Rates & Policies

Listed below, you will find our current rates and policies. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will provide it for you. See HPUD Fees and Charges document below.

Standard Residential Service Rates

Facilities Charge for 3/4" Residential Meter: Division I Customers (SIRCo PM, FSUSD & Town Center) is $20.00/month. Division II Customers (West Patton Village) is $22.00/month.
$2.00 per 1000/gallons, we do not use an increasing block rate.
Tier (gal.): 1 $2.00/1,000 gal.:

Our community's water meters are read each month. Please contact our office for any additional information.

WPV rates increase October 2023 with completion of infrastruture Projection, prop 218, Resolutions 2019-3 & 2019-4

Average Billing Examples

Division 1 Susanville Indian Rancheria Renter's
(SIRCO pays all sewer bills for their renter's)
Base Rate is $20.00
Usage (gal.): Bill Total:
2,000 $23.60
5,000 $29.00
10,000 $38.00
25,000 $65.00

The average water bill during the off-peak months is: $23.60
The average water bill during peak or summer months is: $38.00

Average Billing Examples

Division II (WPV) Base Rate for water $84.03
Sewer Rate: $65.62
Usage (gal.): Bill Total:
2,000 86.03

Base rate for water and sewer in Division II: $149.65

Average water and sewer bill during the off-peak months is : $159.65

Average water and sewer bill during the summer monhts is:  $200.00

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